Wellbeing Is Our Passion
Deepwater Farms was founded in Calgary, Alberta in 2015. It started as a passion project to bring the farm closer to people and people closer to their food. We grow baby greens in an indoor, controlled environment, and sell our produce locally. Unlike field-grown greens, which are subject to harsh growing conditions and a long journey to your plate, our greens are grown for flavour and nutrition instead of durability.
Deepwater Farms greens are grown in a hydroponic system that delivers the perfect amount of nutrients in an optimal environment, so they don’t struggle to grow which can cause greens to become tough and bitter. Given this perfect environment, and a short drive to the local supermarket, we are able to harvest them at their best which results in beautifully fresh, tender, and tasty salads.
Our Vision
Yes, we grow greens. But we also grow a lot of other things too. Like big ideas and positive attitudes.
Our vision is to grow plants that increase the well-being of people and the planet. We are on a mission to provide food that makes people feel good and function well. We provide agricultural jobs inside the community and accessibility to fresh delicious produce. But most of all we grow trust - your trust - by ensuring your produce is delivered clean, fresh, safe and timely.